Health or Performance?

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I don’t know what it is about this time of year but we’ve been getting a host of people coming to us with injuries sustained while lifting elsewhere. But I’m not talking competitive athletes. These are regular people just looking to become healthier and more fit. So why do they end up doing things that are detrimental to their health?

In part maybe because all of us have been constantly marketed to with the idea that to become healthier and fit ...

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The New Rules of Lifting for Life

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Every couple of years I get a second Christmas when the latest in the series of New Rules of Lifting books arrives.  This year is even a bit more special because Lou & Alwyn’s latest book, The New Rules of Lifting for Life, addresses a population that makes up the bulk of my clientele. As Lou puts it NROL4L is for “Men and Women who want to ace their midlife exams.”

Frequently I’m asked to recommend books or programs for people ...

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Chunk Your Way to A Better Body

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How many of you enjoy multi-tasking? What, no show of hands?

It’s probably because juggling multiple thoughts and actions is stressful, and likely means we’ll do a poorer job. Yeah yeah… try telling that to your boss I know. But it’s a fact. Recent books on efficiency that I’ve seen all seem to touch on the subject of setting aside chunks of time to do only e-mail, then a time for filling out the TPS reports, of whatever it might be. ...

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Eating Your Way Into Health

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Anytime one does something long enough patterns develop.  Over the years I’ve helped hundreds of people to lose fat.  To be sure there have been some that haven’t succeeded, and in that time I’ve come to distinguish a few patterns among them.

1. Those that “get it” pretty quickly and start to immediately adjust their eating and lifestyle habits.

2. Those that take some time, perhaps 3-9 months, before it sinks in that changes in eating and exercise are not temporary, but ...

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Eat (real food) or Die

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You have all seen the stories on the news – eat desserts for breakfast and lose weight! Drink more wine for better health! And on and on it goes so I thought I’d use an equally subtle title for this blog post. We would naturally love to believe these things, and judging by the fact that 2/3rds of Americans are overweight or obese, many of us do.

And in some respect I don’t blame people. For decades now our society has ...

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