Lower Stress for Better Results

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As the holiday season rapidly approaches there is no better time to talk about managing stress to improve health. Recently a number of events and research has come together that help illustrate the concept of how in general lowering stress input, be it from training, work, or personal life will benefit you. I’ll go into how nutrition, and exercise volume, intensity, and frequency can all play positive or potentially negative roles in health and fitness.

But first what is stress as ...

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Be Bruce Lee In 3 Easy Steps

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Of all your friends that exercise, frequent a gym, or play sports, who has made the most progress?  Have you ever thought about how and why that person got results?  We may want to chalk it up to genetics but you should ask them how much time they spent practicing or training on a weekly basis.

An extreme example perhaps but how much training did Bruce Lee put in to develop his kicks to this level? It’s pretty obvious he spent ...

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Smarter not Harder: Little Engine Development

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It all started last August in Long Beach. And no it doesn’t involve Snoop and a giant bag of weed but something much more sinister in regards to the fitness world: Aerobic training!

I was at the Perform Better Fitness Summit at a talk by Bill Hartman on energy system training for field athletes. Despite the fact that I don’t train any field athletes Bill is one of the smartest people I’ve ever met so there was no way ...

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