Bigger Smaller Bigger

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A couple of months ago Nate Green and I met up for beers up the street from EFL, and over some delicious Hopworks organic ale he told me about a book he was working on that had him glued to his laptop for the better part of every day. No wonder he was looking a little paler than one would expect in summer, even in Portland. The premise of his book, “Bigger Smaller Bigger” is a self experiment on ...

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2012 – Here’s To A New and (hopefully) Smarter Year

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It’s that time of a year when even in a gym as non-mainstream as mine more people are inquiring about how to lose some pounds and reduce the stress of sitting in front of a computer for 12+ hours a day.  (Quit your job and move to Indonesia and surf?)  The more people I train, the more years of training experience I have under my belt, the more quality information I read, and the more workshops with the best minds ...

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Who Needs Coaching Anyway?

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My profession is pretty simple in that essentially I assist people in aspects of health and fitness using a base of knowledge, strategies, and experience that helps them attain their goals more efficiently then they could do on their own.  Sure, everyone knows that fast food is unhealthy, but that doesn’t seem to be slowing down the rise in obesity.  Everyone knows exercise is good for you, but how many people get lost in waves of contradictory information on what ...

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